Research Projects

Our focus is to study and develop microbes that are useful for food and gut health. We combine screening and fundamental characterization with functional and mechanistic studies to study microbes from the environment, food and gut ecosystems. In addition, innovative bioprocessing technologies are also developed. The role and functions of the human gut microbiota, bacteria and artificial consortia on host health and their response to food and nutritional components are investigated using integrated multi-scale in vitro and in vivo strategies.

Current Projects (2019) - C. Lacroix

  • Reduction of tyramine in fermented foods (BLV)
  • Novel technology for evolutionary engineering of functional microbes and their validation in the human gut fermentation (ETHIRA-Grant)
  • An in vitro platform for predicting how gut microbes and microbial communities modulate effective exposure to chemicals in the colon (ETHIRA-Grant)
  • Direct fed Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri for Prevention of Campylobacter colonization of Chicken (WFSC-Coop)
  • Probiotic GOS and lactoferrin for beneficial gut microbiota with iron supplements (NIH)
  • Modelling the spread of antibiotic resistance genes between chicken and humans (SNF NRP 72)
  • Deciphering the role of vitamins B9 and B12 as modulators of the human gut microbiota (SNF)
  • Does colonization of butyrate producers impact susceptibility to atopic dermatitis? (Biostime)
  • Herbal safety in the pregnancy –Treatment options for nonpsychotic mental diseases (SNF-Sinergia)

List of past projects