Pathogenic streptococci in East-African milk products: prevalence, diversity and health hazards for children - UBS Optimus

Fermented dairy products (FDP) play an important role for prolonged shelf life of milk, microbial safety and the preparation of weaning food for children across Africa. We have recently shown that FDP in different African regions are predominated by novel dairy adapted Streptococcus infantarius subsp. infantarius (Sii). Sii is a member of the Streptococcus bovis/Streptococcus equinus complex which is associated with human and animal infections including endocarditis, bacteremia and colonic cancer. Therefore, Sii represents a potential health risks to consumers through ingestion of FDP containing high number of viable cells of the bacteria. In this project, we aim to scientifically assess the safety of Sii isolated from African products and patients. Furthermore, we aim to establish a sustainable adapted technological intervention to improve quality and safety of traditional fermented dairy weaning food. Basic bacterial epidemiology will allow to further estimate the health risks for consumers and provide necessary data to support further in-depth investigations.